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    As a Child I Sold the News, brings the best of Volume one and two of The Charles Bobuck self-depreciating project, Fragments and Failures, into one rocking package. It is a bit on the short side. That is the problem when the plan is to only pick out the best parts. After all, the whole Fragments and Failures concept was to release music from 2008 to 2014 that had been worked on and not used for a variety of reasons. One of those reason could easily have been that it was not very good, and therefore not suitable for inclusion in this high-brow collection.

    As a Child I Sold the News
    Now I Sell the Olds

    A Charles Bobuck Contraption

    Some of these fragments have been included on the Codgers on the Moon web site, Eyeful series, and surprise BOGs.
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    These MIDI arrangements started out in 2001 as sketches for a proposed Residents album based on The American Civil War. The rather un-sexy project did not get encouragement from European partners because the war meant little outside of the United States and is most prominently a part of history in the deep South. The project was abandoned.

    This resurrection of the sketches, our “missing soldiers,” is attached to Clara Barton, though the original idea was not. The anniversary of her death is April 12, the date of this posting. Also the American Civil War ended on April 9, 1865, exactly 150 years ago so it all seems timely and appropriate. Besides, a women who broke social barriers to help out humans during that dumb war should get a bit of thanks.

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    A rehearsal of a 20 minute opera developed with Mark “Spoonman” Petrakis in 1991. Performed only once.

    Vocal and text by Mark Petrakis.
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    Bad Day on the Midway Re Considered

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    Theory of Obscurity soundtrack